Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 6

Last week's group bike riding activity was great. I forgot how much fun it is to ride a bike. I had a great work out. I need to work on finding alternative exercises besides run or walk. I enjoy both but I do need to try other exercises.
I am doing better at exercising more days. My goal is 6 days a week and it was a good week last week.
Food on the other hand is a different complex to me. I'm still trying to figure it out. I guess I just need to embrace food and know that there are foods out there that are better for me and will help me become healthier and try to eat less of the empty foods. I am eating more vegetables and fruits. That is one major change I like about myself and what it has done for me...I feel better and healthier.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Catching Up Week/Week 5

The last few weeks have been difficult trying to find a good time to work out. I thought the evenings would work best after work, but not the case. Most weeks I only exercised 3 days a week. That needed to change. My weight stayed the same for three weeks. Traci advised I add another exercise day or two. My goal is to work out 5 to 6 days per week. So far I haved gone to the gym four days, tomorrow makes five! I have been going to the gym at 5:30 in the morning. I have more energy and I don't have to worry about making it to the gym after work. Now I just need to get into the habit of going every morning! Maybe my weight in day will be better next week!
I have logged my food 5 days the last couple of weeks. I still don't log on week-ends. I need to work on that.
Why do we feel bad if we don't eat the way we are suppose to? Or if we don't make it to the gym? I feel like I didn't accomplish what I was suppose to do and it can makes me feel unsuccessful or a failure? I need to work on positive thinking and not allow negative thoughts to go through my mind when I did not have a good day. Our dietician advises a good book "intuitive eating" I really need to buy that book.
I'm excited about the group bike ride tomorrow. I think it will be a great work out.
Heidi--You're an awesome trainer. I have learned so much from you, thanks!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Week 4 of 100 Day Heart Challenge

Week 4 was tough. I only logged my food three days and exercised 3 days! Visiting my father in Arizona was great but of course I ate what he wanted to eat. Eating together in my family was important for my mother. She always cooked everyones favorite dish and satisfied her husband and children. She was a great cook and everyone loved her bread. Our family time was at our table when I was growing up. If we were not at the table we were outside working or taking care of household chores. I guess over time it became important and special for our family to eat at the table. We talked and of course ate and ate! We made our mother happy by eating all we could. She believed being plump was healthy...
But as I got older I knew that I had to make some changes for my family but I needed some direction. I have been on some diets where I have immediately lost weight and later gained it back. I have kept most of it off. I quickly lost interest in diet plans and exercised inconsistently. With this heart challenge it has opened my eyes and there is a way to keep the weight off without starving myself. And it is a healthier approach. It feels great to be healthy and to exercise knowing I am doing something good for my body. This body has to be around a long time for my family!
Next week will be better. A new week and a new commitment!